Make use of Dynamic Ads to create Real Estate ads

You should focus your energy and advertising dollars on creating Dynamic Ads that's been optimised for real estate inventory. Like dynamic ads, real estate ads use a Facebook pixel or SDK to show ads to people who've already shown interest in your business by taking actions that you care about on your site. However, the recommendations from real estate utilise different types of information to generate property recommendations, such as property location and property similarity.


  • Unique targeting options specific to property advertisers
  • Create an audience of people who searched for similar listings
With real estate ads, the information we use to represent a "product" includes different elements such as the property address, the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, neighbourhood etc. Therefore, the information required in the catalogue and pixel are different from in a standard dynamic ad, and there are also different available creative templates. Read on for more information and setup instructions.

FBook Mastery - dynamic ads


In order to complete this type of ad, you'll need: We'll cover how to customise your catalogue and pixel for real estate ads and the best practices for setting up your real estate ad campaign in Ads Manager, below.

Set up a real estate catalogue

If you've never set up a Facebook catalogue before, learn the basics.

Required fields

  • The following fields are required for real estate ads: home_listing_id, name, image, address, neighbourhood, latitude, longitude, price, availability and URL.
  • For a full list of required/optional fields in the catalogue as well as formatting requirements, please have your developer refer to the API documents.

Ad formats
You can choose to create a real estate ads in the carousel ad format or as the single image ad format. You can also use the same image size for every placement where your advert shows (such as Facebook News Feed) as long as your images are at least 600 x 600 pixels.

The recommended image ratio is 1:1. We recommend a resolution of at least 600 x 600 pixels to be eligible for Instagram placement. See more design recommendations for carousel.

Single image
The recommended image ratio is 1:9:1. We recommend a resolution of 1,200 x 628 pixels when using a single image to create your real estate ads. See more design recommendations for single image ads.

Additional notes:
  • Advertisers should have a minimum of 100 property listings in the catalogue.
  • Custom labels are not currently supported in the catalogue.
  • If you don't have "neighbourhood" as a parameter in your feed, you should insert the city of the property instead.

Set up pixel for real estate

If you've never set up or installed a Facebook pixel before, learn the basics.

Required fields:
  • The two required pixel parameters are content_type and content_ids.
  • For a full list of required/optional parameters for pixel, please ask your developer to refer to the API documents.

Create a campaign in Ads Manager

Real estate ads look identical to other single or carousel ads that are available on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network. However, instead of individually creating an ad for each of your products, you create an ad template that automatically uses images and details from your product feed.

You can create an ad template for your real estate ad from Ads Manager.
  1. Go to Ads Manager.
  2. Select Product Catalogue Sales as your objective.
  3. Create a Home listings catalogue
    FBook Mastery - Catalog listing

  4. Implement your pixel.
  5. Create a campaign under the Product Catalogue Sales objective.
    Select a home listings catalogue (from step 1) and select the targeting/audience, bid/budget and schedule. Next, set up your creative template (ad creative).

Ad creation best practices for real estate

  • Website traffic volume
    Real estate ads will scale up delivery and reach based on site traffic. While there isn't an explicit traffic minimum, the solution is designed for high-traffic sites. Therefore, we recommend real estate ads for listing sites, brokerage sites and sites with at least 100 property listings, given that there will probably be more traffic for these types of real estate sites.

  • Ad format
    We recommend using the carousel ad format as the carousel ad tends to perform better than single image ads.

  • Template tags
    A template tag is dynamic text that can be inserted into your ad template. The following template tags are available for real estate ads:
    FBook Mastery - template tag
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