How to create Life Events on Facebook?

If you have just graduated, getting married, starting a new career or any life changing moments in your life - you want to let the whole world know, wouldn't you? And since most of us are on Facebook anyways, that's just the natural progression. But with all posts looking the same, some of what we post tend to get 'lost' or not have that much of an impact that we would like.

Did you know that Facebook has redesigned the Life Events feature so that your post can literally stand out from your normal post? Facebook knows that your life events are a big deal and these posts should look different. The problem is, many users don't really know how to access it. Fret not, follow our easy guide and let your Life Events 'pop' on your News Feed!

Right, to start creating a Life Event, here are the steps;

From your News Feed, tap on your profile photo (1) on the top left corner. That will bring you to your Personal Profile and you should scroll down...
Fbook Mastery - access life events

Scroll till you see the Life Event icon (3) and tap on that. That will launch your Life events page where you can choose from the pre-listed categories or create your own (4).
Fbook Mastery - access life events

Scroll till you see the Life Event icon (3) and tap on that. That will launch your Life events page where you can choose from the pre-listed categories or create your own (4).
Fbook Mastery - access life events

From the category you have chosen, you will have other options and just follow the step-by-step tutorial to get your post ready.

You have the option of including a wide range of photos or use Facebook's cool animations. It's totally up to you. Depending on the category you have chosen, it is also possible to tag another profile or page and choose existing photos from that profile or page too. That's pretty cool. You can also customise the icon which appears in the middle of the post by choosing from a preset. Oh, and the icons are animated as well.

There you have it, it's really simple isn't it? Now your posts can look very different and you can shout out your life events as it should be.

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